image of Seachange Resources

Seachange Resources

Redesigning an online leadership learning program. As the product designer, I was in charge of the design process and improved the product by making it user friendly and easy to navigate.

image of Clearviction on a laptop


Website application helping people vacate their criminal convictions so they can have access to housing, education, and government assistance in the state of Washington. I created the language styleguide and worked on the website redesign.

image of Seachange Resources

Student Zone App

Mobile app backed by the NFL and the National Dairy Council through Fuel Up to Play 60, a national organization geared towards empowering students through youth wellness programs. I redesiged the app, which helped students learn healthy habits.

image of Seachange Resources

DBSA Silicon Valley

I designed and coded a website for a mental health nonprofit I co-founded following the Covid-19 pandemic. The website gives information about the support groups our organization offers and resources that visitors can use to get the help they need.

Image of GRACE LEE paying homage to Magritte's Son of Man but with an avocado over face instead of apple Image of stylized eye with avocado print iris paying homage to Magritte's False Mirror


Quotation marks

I dare you to Google image
Your computer will burst into flames!

— Ali Wong, Hard Knock Wife (2018)

I believe in designing for social good.

I started my career as an English teacher. After getting my master’s in Learning Science Technology, I studied UX Design and became an Instructional Designer. Although I am working in Product and UX Design, my experience in education taught me to meet people where they are at. This influences my design philosophy, as I believe it is crucial to design for users rather than having users acclimatize to the design.

I am passionate about creating products to make positive change in this world. Whether it is using tech for education, mental health, or climate change mitigation, I am excited by the challenges of creating tools that help people and make the world a better place for everyone.